Executive Committee
Michael VanPelt, DPM
President Elect
Nere Onosode, DPM
1st Vice President
Isaac Bazan, DPM
2nd Vice President
Caroline Gaynor, DPM
Immediate Past President
Neil Campbell, DPM
Directors at Large
Lilly Khavari, DPM
Dave Sadoskas, DPM
Courtney McClurkin, DPM
Jeremiah Graff, DPM
Board of Directors
Michael VanPelt, DPM
President Elect
Nere Onosode, DPM
1st Vice President
Isaac Bazan, DPM
2nd Vice President
Caroline Gaynor, DPM
Immediate Past President
Neil Campbell, DPM
Directors at Large
Lilly Khavari, DPM
Dave Sadoskas, DPM
Courtney McClurkin, DPM
Jeremiah Graff, DPM
Region I Directors
Wylie (Patrick) Burge, DPM
Kevin Huntsman, DPM
Dalerie Wilkerson, DPM
Paul Brancheau, DPM (Alt.)
Region II Directors
Thanh Nguyen, DPM
Kris Ford, DPM (Alt.)
Region III Directors
Naohiro Shibuya, DPM
Region IV Directors
Lacey Clawson, DPM
Cory Brown, DPM (Alt.)
Region V Directors
Jeffrey Petty, DPM
Fernando Cruz, DPM (Alt.)
Region VI Directors
Rebecca Schwartz, DPM
Marcela Orellana-Galvez, DPM
Taylor Saucier, DPM
Edna Reyes-Guerrero, DPM (Alt.)
Region VII Directors
Jon McCreary, DPM
Braden Moore, DPM
Jacquelyn Perry, DPM (Alt.)
Region VIII Directors
Andy Bruyn, DPM
Shine John, DPM (Alt.)
Region IX Directors
Eduardo Hernandez, DPM
Kyle Ballew, DPM (Alt.)
Young Member Board Representative
Francis LaGrone, DPM
Resident Board Representative
Luis Caporusso, DPM
Student Member Board Representative
Alfonso Reyes
Committee Members
TPMA Standing Committees
Constitution & Bylaws
- Roderick Hunter, Jr., DPM (Chair)
- Ken Dennis, DPM (Councilor)
- Don Blum, DPM (Parliamentarian)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
Budget & Finance
- Isaac Bazan, DPM (Chair)
- Steve Walters, DPM (Treasurer)
- Scott Margolis, DPM
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- Melinda Daise (Executive Director)
Young Physicians Committee
- Paul Brancheau, DPM (Chair)
- Matthew McCabe, DPM
- Megan Pitts, DPM
- Courtney McClurkin, DPM
- Jonathan Pajouh, DPM
- Matthew Johnson, DPM
- Rebecca Schwartz, DPM
- Kristen Treleven, DPM
- Joe Galvan, DPM
- Abinav Leva, DPM
- Patrick Robinson, DPM (Resident)
- Francis LaGrone, DPM (YM Board Representative)
- Luis Caporusso, DPM (Resident Member Representative)
- Roderick Hunter, DPM (Membership Committee Liaison)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- Tambra Garcia (Membership & Marketing Manager)
Nominating (Elected at Annual Meeting)
- Neil Campbell, DPM (Chair, per bylaws)
- Matt Johnson, DPM (Region I)
- Irene Arroyo, DPM (Region I Alt.)
- Chad Howze, DPM (Region II)
- Maureen Caldwell, DPM (Region II Alt.)
- Vacant (Region IV)
- Vacant (Region IV Alt.)
- Lily Raga, DPM (Region V)
- Chad Laurich, DPM (Region V Alt.)
- Scott Margolis, DPM (Region VI)
- James Jacobs, DPM (Region VI Alt.)
- Brent Banks, DPM (Region VII)
- Russell Pendleton, DPM (Region VII Alt.)
- Syed Mohiuddin, DPM (Region VIII)
- Willis Nielson, DPM (Region VIII Alt.)
- Matt Lynch, DPM (Region IX)
- Megan Pitts, DPM (Region IX Alt.)
- Melinda Daise (Ex-Officio)
Governmental & Professional Relations
- Maria Buitrago, DPM (Chair)
- Neil Campbell, DPM (Co-Chair)
- Jeffrey Ross, DPM
- Andrew Bruyn, DPM
- Joe Galvan, DPM
- Eduardo Hernandez, DPM
- Roderick Hunter, Jr., DPM
- Steve Walters, DPM
- Marcela Orellana-Galvez, DPM
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- *Mark Hanna, JD (Legislative Counsel)
- *Melinda Daise (Executive Director)
- *Steven Brancheau, DPM (Alternate)
- *Kim Klein (Program Manager)
Peer Review | Quality Assurance
- Kyle Ballew, DPM (Chair)
- Andy Bruyn, DPM (Region VIII)
- Jon McCreary, DPM (Region VII)
Continuing Medical Education
- Paul Kim, DPM (Chair)
- Paul Brancheau, DPM
- Maria Buitrago, DPM
- Lacey Clawson, DPM
- Bryan Duffin, DPM
- Kevin Huntsman, DPM
- David Truong, DPM
- Javier La Fontaine, DPM
- Nere Onosode, DPM
- David Sadoskas, DPM
- Matthew Johnson, DPM
- Collin Pehde, DPM
- Naohiro Shibuya, DPM
- Michael Downey, DPM
- Eduardo Hernandez, DPM
- Alfonso Reyes (Student Board Member Representative)
- Luis Caporusso, DPM (Resident Board Member Representative)
- Graham Hamilton, DPM (2024 SWFAC Program Chair)
- Andrew Crisologo, DPM (2024 SWFAC DFU Program Chair)
- Francis LaGrone, DPM (2024 Assistant Program Co-Chair)
- Rebecca Schwartz, DPM (2024 Assistant Program Co-Chair / 2025 Annual Program Chair)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Counselor / Ex-Officio)
- Melinda Daise (Executive Director)
- Steve Brancheau, DPM (Chief Medical Officer)
- Roderick Hunter, Jr., DPM (Chair)
- Isaac Bazan, DPM
- Kevin Huntsman, DPM
- Jacquelyn Perry, DPM
- Dalerie Wilkerson, DPM
- Francis LaGrone, DPM (YM Board Representative)
- Luis Caporusso, DPM (Resident Member Representative)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- Tambra Garcia (Membership & Marketing Manager)
TPMA Special Committees
- Neil Campbell, DPM (Chair)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- Melinda Daise (Executive Director)
- Steven Brancheau, DPM (Chief Medical Officer)
- Mark Hanna., J.D. (Legislative Counsel)
- Jeffrey Ross, DPM (Co-Chair)
- Donald Blum, DPM (Co-Chair)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
Publications & Communications
- Lilly Khavari, DPM (Chair)
- Caroline Gaynor, DPM
- Francis LaGrone, DPM
- Courtney McClurkin, DPM
- Naohiro Shibuya, DPM
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- Kim Klein (Program Manager)
Public Relations | Public Outreach
- Francis LaGrone, DPM (Chair)
- Maria Buitrago, DPM
- Courtney McClurkin, DPM
- Rebecca Schwartz, DPM
- Patrick Robinson, DPM
- Anjali Chandra, DPM
- Thanh An Nguyen, DPM
- Taylor Saucier, DPM
- Nicholas Igbinigie, DPM
- Cheryl Onwu, DPM
- Shine John, DPM
- Andy Bruyn, DPM
- Wylie Burge, DPMA
- Nere Onosode, DPM
- Lilly Khavari, DPM
- Luis Caporusso, DPM
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- Tambra Garcia (Membership/Marketing Manager)
Physician Extenders (NP) Task Force
- Caroline Gaynor, DPM (Chair)
- Jeremiah Graff, DPM
- Lacey Clawson, DPM
Career Awareness | Student Recruitment
- Isaac Bazan, DPM (Chair)
- Jaskern Jesse Dhami, DPM
- Kristen Treleven, DPM
- Jonathan Pajouh, DPM
- Joe Galvan, DPM
- Bryan Duffin, DPM
- Rebecca Schwartz, DPM
- Abinav Leva, DPM
- Eduardo Hernandez, DPM
- Francis LaGrone, DPM (YM Board Representative)
- Luis Caporusso, DPM (Resident Board Member Representative)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- Kim Klein (Program Manager)
UT RGV Liaison
- Javier La Fontaine, DPM (Chair)
- Neil Campbell, DPM
- Lacey Clawson, DPM
- Maria Buitrago, DPM
- James Kutchback, DPM
- Larry Harkless, DPM
- Michael VanPelt, DPM
- Melinda Daise (TPMA Executive Director)
- Krista Richter (TPMF Executive Director)
Scope of Practice
- George Tye Liu, DPM (Chair)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM
- Mark Hanna, DPM (TPMA Legal Counsel)
- Melinda Daise (TPMA Executive Director)
- Steven Brancheau, DPM (TPMA Chief Medical Officer)
Residency Genesis
- Neil Campbell, DPM (Chair)
- Larry Harkless, DPM
- Javier La Fontanie, DPM
- Chris Browning, DPM
- Michael VanPelt, DPM
- Steven Brancheau, DPM (TPMA Chief Medical Officer)
Positions 2023-2024
- Joe Martin, DPM (Chair)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
Medicare | APMA Medicare Carrier Advisory (CAC)
- Jeffrey Petty, DPM (Chair)
- Kyle Ballew, DPM (CAC Representative)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- Roderick Hunter, Jr., DPM (Chair)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
Insurance & Reimbursement
- Donald Blum, DPM (Chair)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
APMA Private Insurance Advisory (PIAC)
- Leslie Campbell, DPM (PIAC Representative)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- Donald Blum, DPM
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Ex-Officio)
- Melinda Daise (Executive Director)
TPMA Delegation to APMA HOD (Elected at Annual Meeting)
- Kyle Ballew, DPM (Chief Delegate)
- Donald Blum, DPM (Delegate)
- Neil Campbell, DPM (Delegate)
- Maria Buitrago, DPM (Delegate)
- Shine John, DPM (Delegate)
- Jeffery Ross, DPM (Delegate)
- Andrew Bruyn, DPM (Delegate)
- Michael VanPelt, DPM (Alternate, per Bylaws)
- Nere Onosode, DPM (Alternate, per Bylaws)
- Larry Harkless, DPM (Alternate)
- Donald Blum, DPM
TPMA Staff
Melinda Daise
Executive Director & CEO
Steven Brancheau, DPM
Chief Medical Officer
Tambra Garcia
Membership & Marketing Manager
Mark Hanna, JD
Legal & Legislative Counsel