Follow these easy steps to advocate for your profession and let the Texas legislature know that we matter, and we VOTE!
- REGISTER TO VOTE! Legislators know if you voted in the election!
- KNOW who your Senator and Representative is. Click here
- CONNECT! Go to your legislator’s campaign website and sign up to receive their newsletter. Like or follow their social media pages.
- ATTEND at least one of their fundraisers. The more your legislator sees you the more they can put a human face to certain issues.
- DONATE to your Representative and Senator’s Campaign - Multiple Times!! $100 given three different times is worth more than $300 given once! Write a check with a handwritten note. Tell them how much you appreciate the work they are doing for the citizens of Texas.
- TELL YOUR STORY. In 90 seconds: my name is, I am a podiatric physician practicing and living in your district, I work hard to provide quality foot and ankle care to the citizens of Texas and members in our district.
- ASK your legislator what you can do to help them. (Put out a yard sign, make calls, etc.). Senator/Representative: How can I help you achieve your goals for the members in our district?
- TAKE A PHOTO with them and post on social media (make sure to tag your legislator and TPMA). Or email photo to the TPMA.
- DONATE to TxPMA PAC! The PAC is an important tool in TPMA’s advocacy. To make the profession better, we need to be a player in elections.
TPMA Legislative Accomplishments – How Podiatry Got Its Foot in the Door
- Find who represents you:
- Texas House Members
- Texas Senate Members
Sample Emails:
- Schedule an appointment via Zoom or phone call with your Legislator – Sample email
- Schedule an in person appointment with your Legislator – Sample email