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Follow these easy steps to advocate for your profession and let the Texas legislature know that we matter, and we VOTE!

  1. REGISTER TO VOTE! Legislators know if you voted in the election!
  2. KNOW who your Senator and Representative is. Click here
  3. CONNECT! Go to your legislator’s campaign website and sign up to receive their newsletter. Like or follow their social media pages.
  4. ATTEND at least one of their fundraisers. The more your legislator sees you the more they can put a human face to certain issues.
  5. DONATE to your Representative and Senator’s Campaign - Multiple Times!! $100 given three different times is worth more than $300 given once! Write a check with a handwritten note.  Tell them how much you appreciate the work they are doing for the citizens of Texas.
  6. TELL YOUR STORY. In 90 seconds: my name is, I am a podiatric physician practicing and living in your district, I work hard to provide quality foot and ankle care to the citizens of Texas and members in our district.
  7. ASK your legislator what you can do to help them. (Put out a yard sign, make calls, etc.). Senator/Representative: How can I help you achieve your goals for the members in our district?
  8. TAKE A PHOTO with them and post on social media (make sure to tag your legislator and TPMA). Or email photo to the TPMA.
  9. DONATE to TxPMA PAC! The PAC is an important tool in TPMA’s advocacy. To make the profession better, we need to be a player in elections.

2024 TPMA Legislative Flyer

TPMA Major Advocacy Accomplishments: 

TPMA Legislative Accomplishments – How Podiatry Got Its Foot in the Door


Sample Emails:
  • Schedule an appointment via Zoom or phone call with your Legislator – Sample email
  • Schedule an in person appointment with your Legislator – Sample email

Support Texas Podiatrists, The Unified Voice of Podiatry!

Make a TXPMA PAC Donation Today.
